New board or rebuilt board and your oven completely dead? Find someone with a voltmeter and verify that you are getting 24V to the board from the transformer. This applies to the following boards: AP6021410, B008DK407S, B004QIPDNQ, W10406070, WPW10438751, PS11754738, 8303817, B01HJRLHAI, W10105800, 4452890, WPW10438710, PS973354, WPW10438750, 8303819, 8302319R, B01LF2NQ2K, W10244191, 4451856, AP6021414, 4452898, W10340941, 4453664, 8303884, 4451991, W10438751, AP6021413, 8301917, W10105800R, AP3767567, 8302152, W10340943, 8302967, 8302319, EA973354, B00ECV2C3Q, W10438750, 1057546, PS11754734, PS11754737, W10438710, AH973354, 8303883, B0156NFM4Y, 8303883R, B008DK4XWK