Several different part numbers are often used to describe the same electronic control board
It’s not uncommon for different part numbers to refer to the same board. Manufacturers tend to revise parts and will usually assign a new number to the revision, even though it is essentially the same as the original.
To add to that, third party resellers and part houses have their own set of unique part numbers generated in-house for their inventory that get assigned to the OEM parts.
This means several entities have come up with many different numbers to describe one thing.
At we want to eliminate any confusion when it’s time to get your board serviced.
So, here is a table of control board part numbers for common Whirlpool and Kitchen Aid ovens.
Primary Part Number | Alternate Part Numbers |
62681 | 755674, 82758, 701007, AP3395732, AP3391728, 82381, 82984 |
WPW10340935 | B00B8AF5A6, B008DJLFM2, AP6019929, B01HJRJXUY, B00D8ORLA2, 8303885, PS11753240, 8303885R, 8303505, B008DK302Y, 1877909, B008DK4TBK, W10340935, B004Q3V1NW |
WPW10438709 | B008DK3ZOM, PS11754733, 8301915, 8302149, B001DPR1C6, 8302311, W10438709, W10251586, 2304734, B008DJLCRU, B004T85IFQ, B001MS1IE6, AP6021409, 8303017R, B008DK4XLQ, 8303017 |
WPW10438710 | W10340943, B004Q41HSU, 4446809, B00D8P88DA, B004Q4171M, W10105800, PS11754734, W10105800R, B008DK4KFK, B001DPTCSM, AP6021410, 8303819, B008DJNTEO, W10438710, 8303884 |
WPW10438750 | B004UUAQUA, 8303883, W10340941, B01HJRLHBM, B008DK4RQC, AP6021413, 8303883R, B0032XJV6G, B00B8A8WAQ, B008DK4JZ6, PS11754737, 3015163, B0048UIFBE, B00LHR5TUQ, 8303817, W10438750, W10244191 |
WPW10438752 | B07646YQSP, 8302305R, B008DJLCEI, 8303022, W10251587, 8301890, AP6021415, 8303018, B00L5G81LS, B00J8I7L0W, 8302305, W10438752, PS11754739, B001KGQF7U, B008DK3YJI, B001UGO42I, 2683891 |
4448876 | WPW10622237, W10622239, AP2929179, 4459411, 4448876R, W10622237 |
4452242 | 590020, AP3030378, 4452242REXCR, 4452242R |
4453661 | 4453661R, EA731496, AP3175498, 4453379, 4451986, 4452904, AH731496, PS731496, 4453165, 939594, 4453135 |
7601P233-60 | AH2090625, 100-644-00, 102990081, EA2090625, AP4102875, 7601P23360, 4381514, 709272, PS2090625 |
7601P214-60 | 7601P214-60R, AP4103856, 7601P21460, 709255, 879478, W10125294 |
486752 | 00487604, 486752-REPL, 35-00-571, 14-33-347, 1013779, 35-00-751, 487604, AP2836528 |
5700M662-60 | AP4396710, 5700M66260, 71002959, 1543598 |
WPW10438751 | B0156NFM4Y, 2983186, 8301917, B008DK4XWK, B008DK407S, PS11754738, B004QIPDNQ, B01HJRLHAI, B00ECV2C3Q, W10438751, 8302319, B01LF2NQ2K, AP6021414, 8302319R, 8302152, W10406070 |
3169259 | 3169257, 3182392EXCR, 3169257EXCR, 497306, AP3095480, 3182392 |
3169258 | 3182391, 3169256EXCR, 3169256, 497305, AP3095479, 3182391EXCR |
8186024 | 961211, 4453193, AH734569, 4452900, EA734569, B008DJXTUS, B004XL32D4, PS734569, B008DJYWI6, AP3177932, B008DJXRIC, 4452892 |
318010700 | 100-00755-00A, EA440925, PS440925, AH440925, 499452, AP2127072 |
WP71003401 | 8507P017-60, 696652, 100-01417-01 |
WB27K5053 | 343557, 336327, 339188, 337178, 4337723, 4342559, 254239, 338894, 337179, AP2632540, 4338512, 336282, 4337741, 4337979, 336328, 339187, 4342561, 4337742, 335647, 340453 |
12001914 | 12001914R, 71003399, 7428P058-60, AP4009507, 958653, 71001893, AH2003437, EA2003437, 100-00699-00A, PS2003437, 100-00699-01, 7428P036-60 |
318010102 | AH440917, 318010102R, AP2127066, 833235, EA440917, PS440917 |
316207511 | AH820139, PS820139, 316557511, B00E0CVZQC, AP3561834, SF5341-S7511, 316207531, SF5341-S7511-E, EA820139, 1036364 |
62790 | 1057339, 62697, AP3394531 |
62692 | 755935, 756214, 755676, 82759, AP3390975, 756368, 82983, 701002, 82382, 1491393 |
8302967 | 4451991, EA973354, WP8302967, 4451856, 1057546, AP3767567, 4452898, AH973354, 4437919, PS973354, 808069101, 4452890, 4453664 |
708925 | AP4955221, 4453380 |
4453166 | AP4952782, 595178 |